How to make your personal LinkedIn profile shine

Most of us have a LinkedIn account, but when was the last time you updated your profile? We’ve produced a handy LinkedIn guide to give you the lowdown on how to make your profile shine.

LinkedIn has 25m users in the UK and 40 per cent of users who engage with the platform on a monthly basis access it every day. It’s one of the most popular social networks and everyone should be dedicating some time each month to make profile updates and engage with their network.

LinkedIn can be great for finding a job, but it has many other benefits. It’s a great place to connect with colleagues, clients and even people who you haven’t med but would value connecting with. Sales professionals use the network to generate leads. Participating in groups is a fantastic way to increase the profile of both yourself and your company. LinkedIn articles is essentially your own blog and a great place to share expertise.

The key areas of focus for a profile are picture, headline, summary, work experience, education and skills. Our LinkedIn guide addresses each of these and gives tips for best practice. Once a profile is complete, it only requires a small amount of ongoing maintenance to ensure that everything is up-to-date.

The guide then gives insight into how to network successfully on LinkedIn. This can be done by making new connections, checking in with existing connections and participating in groups.

Finally, the guide shares advice on LinkedIn articles and how to make the most of them. Articles are a powerful tool to share insight and position yourself as a thought leader.

In addition to the LinkedIn guide, we ran a 30-minute webinar to go through the guide and answer questions from attendees. You can watch the webinar here.

Greg Bortkiewicz